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March of Dimes

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Due date changed!

Well we have a change in plans! I went for my follow-up ultrasound yesturday and we found out that we will have to change my due date to June 7. Now I am 21 weeks! Well this would all be just fine except for Giana's birthday is on June 8. Can you believe it?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

John and Danielle

John and danielle

It's a boy!

Well the wait is up! It's a boy! Giana handled the news a lot better than we thought she would. Yesturday she was hiding her toys, when I asked her why she said that she didn't want her baby brother playing with those toys. She is very excited, she talks about him all the time.

New Design Feb 09


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The love of a Family
